Saturday, 6 August 2011

Stupidooooohhhh funny...after a year, now u claimed that u also a victim? stupidohhh....did u ever think what u did at my back? did u ever listen what i said before...NEVER!!!!!Feel like talking to a SHIT!!What you did always vs what you said...Who the first asked for divorce? at the morning u want send a msg to Nawar but wrongly send to me " oh bodohlah aku minta cerai dengan laki aku"...i still keep the msg... Did u knew that night i slept with crying??

Actually u r good SMS said "bla3-sorry-waiting for u-all my fault" but when u heard im getting marry again, why u oppressed? Why? Because of MEGAT dumped u, then u try to persue me n when i dont respond to u, u became angry lah? Bang and Ngang....

i always keep ur word " once i changed it, i will never look it back"..after the 'freedom' u asked, why u still chase for me? im really happy with my life now WITHOUT u, so why u still want disturbing me? I ever said to u, once my mouth become "puaka" it will forever. 

Last thing, pls look at urself first b4 u blaim me again. I already giving you a lot of chance to u to think and corect all your mistakes. But u never take the opportunity. So now, blame yourself STUPIDOH..

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